Posted in Consciousness, Esoteric knowledge, Healing, knowledge, love, spirituality, truth

Expedition Unknown

If the current existential parameters require the majority of our conscious functions to play out in this earth bound simulation,  we must continue expedition(s) into the esoteric so that our acquired bounty of knowledge will allow for a clear separation from the mass hallucination(s) within this plane.

Posted in Consciousness, Esoteric knowledge, government, Media, truth

Shots Fired

They have given you blanks your whole life
Recoil has confused you into believing that the bullets you spit reflect knowledge and truth
The reality is that they have slowly taught you to disarm yourself
Leaving stockpiles of useless ammunition all around.
You have become defenseless against them.
Posted in Consciousness, Esoteric knowledge, Healing, knowledge, perception, truth

Overflow of Consciousness

    The tools used to close the faucet now lay broken next to its handle. This newly unregulated stream has given birth to an ever expanding abyss that now consumes vast amounts of energy, energy usually reserved for the animation of auric extension. Because of this, maneuvering has become next to impossible. Any remaining vitality must be harnessed in order to complete construction of the aetheric vessel, thus ensuring sanctuary for the avatarian system and its astral communication capabilities. 

Posted in Big Brother, Consciousness, government, knowledge, Media


As the crown continues to feed the flames that engulf partisan bound protest and demonstration,  I’m left wondering if another anticivil engagement on American soil will take the place of an apolitical revolution.
As long as the majority of the genpop allow themselves to function with disdain for their fellow citizens, the cephelopodic reach of the masters and their minions will continue to expand.
Let us start this week off with some inner vision and introspection. Once we’ve perfected our self portraits,  we can hopefully refocus ourselves , as a whole, on the big picture.

Posted in Consciousness, Esoteric knowledge, Magic, perception

Force the Trip


Our perception of time appears to change as we age and also seems to be affected by positive and negative experience(s). The introduction of stimulants, depressants, and psychedelics can alter our perception of time, while sleep (including dream states) and meditation also decrease time awareness.

   The awake, “unaltered” adult requires a reliance on (but are not limited to) hormonal secretion and subconscious engagement  to regulate perception. There must be a way to rewire the mind to create a time “drag” during a pleasant experience and to perceive time as “flying by” during dismal events.

    Back to the drawing board…

Posted in Consciousness, Esoteric knowledge, knowledge, poetry

The Caterpillar

As I weave the last few layers of my silken tomb, the temptation of flight is almost too much to handle. The thought of fluttering, velvet wings, reflecting the guiding starlight, consumes the darkest spaces of my mind.

Previous transformations have denied me my wings. It feels as though the celestial bodies have conspired against me. Maybe my longing lacks purity as my imagination often includes beautiful visions of my new self. Vanity denied.

Perhaps my perception is a bit skewed. And as I refocus, I’m left not with the vision of the butterfly, but with an overwhelming feeling of control. I can reinvent myself in any manner I desire, the only limit is my imagination. I shall put down my needle and thread and instead raise my antennas towards the sky and await transmission.

Posted in Consciousness, Esoteric knowledge, knowledge, poetry, truth

Monster Magnet

I hear the monster calling.

A voice from within or a faint cry from the distance, I cannot tell.

Forever uncaged, he is free to roam, farther then I have ever gone, or am willing to at this point.

As strong as I feel that I am, there is no protection from his spell(s), not even the ability to reel in the cast.

I can see through his eyes, but his actions I cannot control. Complete control of my actions, however, is accessible to him as long as I continue to answer his call.

He knows I’ll always need him.



Posted in Consciousness, Earth, Esoteric knowledge, knowledge, Lies, religion

Past Life

They forced us to fight, to kill for their cause. Our faith was used against us. We watched as they slaughtered those among us who refused their commands.
Our armor bore that cursed symbol, and those who rejected it, we bathed in their blood. The steel in our hands as cold as our hearts, the fall from grace was quick.
Our atrocities knew no bounds. What we stole could never be repaid, an unfathomable debt, and our punishment was immortality.
I am haunted by my memories, but I am not that man anymore. Their treachery is all but forgotten, cloaked in notions of peace and humanity. BUT, I remember. And as the veil becomes thinner, exposing their ritualistic deceptions and wickedness, I wait patiently for redemption.

Posted in Consciousness, Earth, Esoteric knowledge, knowledge

Field Trip

     Through meditation, psychoactive assistance, sensory deprivation, dreams, etc., one can transcend material existence. But how do we translate or discern the information gathered from these aetheric expeditions? We cannot accurately explain these findings in the material world. The audience is plagued by sensory perceptions unique to their terrestrial vehicles and operating system(s). Vision and hearing deficiencies, as well as pallet and texture limitations only allow for understanding relative to the physical realm. I am hopeful that our continuous journeys into the aether lead to new discoveries enabling us to function completely as conscious beings, allowing for widespread dissemination and understanding of all results. Pack your bags.